Friday, November 15, 2013

Lately (some projects)

The apples never fall far from the tree they say... Well, my girls need projects and lots of them! I wonder whom they get that from... We made tipis (and burned some sage in them, so smoke came up the opening at the top).

 We made window transparencies (Mara made that one all by herself)....
Mathilde made many recipes from the great vegetarian recipe book she got on her birthday (here, the couscous garden and the tofu spread roll family).
Music is a big part of their life right now and they like to write their own compositions or just copy down the songs they know...
We were introduced to a great series produced in France about 25 years ago called C'est pas sorcier (on YouTube) on tons of scientific topics and the girls love to watch those lately.


Sarah-Our Island Home said...

Lovely creations! Great work!

L'équipe J'OSE la vie ! said...

C'est tout beau !
et ça y est, j'ai faim maintenant... ! ;-)


Joanna said...

Are you kidding me!!! c est pas sorcier ca date d'il y a 25 ans!!!!???? my god que je me sens vieille :O) hahaaaa je pensais vraiment que ca avait été introduit qd j avais environ 10 ans donc il y a 19 ans...
c est vrai que c est pas si loin de 25 ans ca. je viens de prendre un coup de vieux!
les projets que vous faites sont tellement beaux, j'adore le truc à fenêtres de mara, il est vraiment magnifique, et que dire de mat qui cuisine, waw!
continue de nous envoyer ces beaux projets, ca donne des idées!
ps: le toit a été posé cette fds par mon chum, yeahhh! manque juste les fenêtres le 27 nov et la maison sera enfin fermée :O)

Potato said...

I just love all the projects you and your girls get up too! So lovely.